Fraud Detection

Fraud Detection: Fighting Financial Crime with Machine Learning

How can Machine Learning detect fraud?

Real-time fraud prevention in a real-time world

Data Streaming in Real Life: Banking - Fraud Detection

Building a Fraud Detection Platform using AI and Big Data

Fraud Detection with Graph Neural Networks

The Fraud Investigation Process

How it works: Visa’s artificial intelligence (A.I.) for payment authorization and fraud detection

Tech Explainer : What is Machine Learning?

SEON Fraud Detection & Fraud Prevention (Subtitled)

Machine Learning and AI for Fraud Detection – Learn How It Works

How to Detect Fraud Using Benford's Law

Unit8 Talks #7 - Fraud detection - A guide to building a financial transaction anomaly detector

Fraud Detection with Graph Features and GNN - Nikita Iserson

Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning from Kaggle

Introduction to Amazon Fraud Detector

Python Tutorial: Fraud detection algorithms in action

Enhancing Fraud Detection: Azure OpenAI Service and the o1 Series Models

Fraud Detection with Machine Learning - A Comprehensive Guide (12 Minutes)

apply(risk) 2023 | How to Build a Real-Time Fraud Detection Application With a Feature Platform

Predictive Modelling: Fraud Detection

How to detect fraudulent transactions

Zhao & Qiao - Graph Neural Networks for Real World Fraud Detection | PyData Amsterdam 2023

Real-time Fraud Detection Challenges and Solutions - Fawaz Ghali - NDC Oslo 2023